Just above my oil pressure regulating adjustment screw is an apparent switch, I would guess it is an oil pressure safety switch. There are 3 wires attached- one comes from the + terminal of the coil to a terminal on the switch, one comes from, again, the + terminal of the coil and goes to another terminal on the switch, and the third goes from the latter terminal on the switch to the fuel pump. This doesn't make much sense, and I wonder if this was wired wrongly at one time or another by me or the PO. Everything works fine, although I've never had low oil pressure, so I don't know if the switch works. The fuel pump activates as soon as the ignition is turned on. Is this wiring correct? I can't find this on a wiring diagram anywhere.
wiring question- oil pressure safety switch?
It appears that someone has "hot wired" your fuel pump around the safety switch, which is why it runs every time you turn on the ignition switch.
A single lead should come from the positive terminal of the coil and connect to one side of the safety switch (it doesn't really matter which side), and the other side of the switch should connect to the fuel pump.
Universal used to connect a lead from the "R" terminal of the starter solenoid to the same side of the safety switch to which the pump was connected. This lead was to supply power directly to the pump during the time the starter was cranking and before oil pressure had risen above 10 psi to close the switch. We have discontinued using this connection to the "R" terminal. Oil pressure rises above 10 psi almost instantly upon engaging the starter the starter, and the "R" terminal has been known to release a spike of inductive feed-back from the coil in the starter solenoid when disengaging the starter which can damage the pump and/or blow the fuse between the safety switch and the positive terminal of the coil.